Storage/Server System

MicroMax Data Center is a physical location for housing a computer network’s most important systems, such as security applications, backup power supplies, and environmental control (fire suppressors, air conditioning, etc.). It is crucial that a data center maintains high standards like backup power, climate control, and network infrastructure to ensure functionality and integrity.

Storage/Server System
IT Security Solution

IT Security Solution

MicroMax provides IT security solutions with technological tools, applications, and services that help protect your organizations against cyber-attacks, which can disrupt, disable, destroy, or maliciously control a computing infrastructure, or destroy the integrity of the data, or steal control of your information.

IT Security Products:
• Next Generation Firewall: FortiGate, Palo Alto, Cisco ASA, TrendMicro, Allied Telesis
• Endpoint Protection: TrendMicro & Kaspersky
• Data Loss Protection: FortiGate, Palo Alto, Csico ASA, TrendMicro
• Malware Prevention: FortiGate, Palo Alto, Cisco ASA